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Today's News 01-03-23

Larry Schweikart

Updated: Jan 4, 2023


1) Kollyfornia has adopted The Five Fabulous Fascist Laws that allow nurses to perform abortions, set up Kollyfornia as a transoid “sanctuary state,” establish a China Virus misinformation law (I.e., banning the truth), decriminalizing jaywalking as racist (not the Babylon Bee) and a fifth is on hold by courts establishing state control of fast-food restaurants.

-The Big Tsunami cannot come quick enough.

2) Former Trump aide Hope Hicks whined that she may never be employed again after the Patriot Day (J6) protest.

-Boo hoo. Sometimes it ain’t about you, swagsaddle.

3) Kevin McCarthy has backed a new House rule making it easier to remove an unpopular speaker. Like maybe himself?

4) Medicare costs are expected to go down in 2023, contrary to previous expectations, due to some lower drug costs.

5) South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem has defended her support of a university’s “kid-friendly” drag show. This woman is sometimes conservative, sometimes not, especially on transoid issues.

6) The Idaho killer studied under the same professor who helped the BTK killer with his autobiography.

7) This is a good article on how modern-day so-called “science” has become a mishmash of hoax-y, Hollywood-fed snot-nostrums filled with goose gibberish that even a baboon would reject.

8) This is reassuring. Researchers developed a drone that can use wi-fi to see through walls.

-Jeffrey (He didn’t kill himself) Epstein is greatly disappointed he didn’t live to see this, both metaphorically and, er, actually.

9) Naahhhh, nothing fishy about this. The attorney who represented Ray Epps, the Patriot Day Instigator, was an FBI agent for 9 years.

10) A brother and sister say they had to stop six times in a single day to charge their rented Tesla in cold weather as the battery drained quickly.

-Personal story: My brother-in-law rented one of the sportier models then, being the racer he is, turned off all the controls that supposedly keep it from running the battery down. He said it flew like a banshee . . . then he saw at current battery usage he had 70 miles left, barely enough to get back to the dealer!

11) A lawyer claims in a suit that the Department of InJustice is concealing 400 pages of “sensitive documents” laying bare payoffs and gifts to Hunter and Jim Biteme from China, Russia, and Ukraine and has acknowledged the records exist.

12) This looks perfectly above board: the Attorney General of the Virgin Islands was fired days after she sued JPMorgan Chase for “pulling the levers” in Jeffrey (He didn’t kill himself) Epstein’s sex crimes and “turning a blind eye” as he abused minors at his villa.

13) New weight loss vax set to hit the market and rack up $50 billion for Eli Lilly, which would make it the best-selling drug of all time.

-Of course, except fentanyl.


14) “60 Minutes” (Does anyone watch this?) was still boosting Paul Ehrlich after this analpickle was wrong about everything. In a contest of “who’s wrong the most” between him and the Ferret, Paul Krugman, it would be a tie.

15) Is the U.S. economy already in a recession? “Official” stats such as GDP and wage growth say no, but 20 straight months of “negative wage growth” say yes. And you know how I feel about this stupid term “negative growth.” No such thing.


16) Croatia has adopted the Euro, entering the globalist club.

17) More Chinese tech supply chain problems.

18) Russia and Turkey are aligning over Syria.

19) Well, this is good: in China, on January 1, 2023, all churches and places of worship are open.


20) Disney looking at a bad 2023 and may be forced to dump ESPN and even ABC, says banking giant Wells Fargo.

21) A 38-year-old former NFL player has “died suddenly.”

-Was he vaxxed?

22) “Hawkeye” actor Jeremy Renner is stable after extensive injuries when he ran over his own leg plowing a driveway with a snowcat in Lake Tahoe. Will undergo surgery to repair “extensive” injuries.


23) ChiCom cities see their China Virus infection rates above 50%.

24) Slowly but surely, the list of those accepting the likelihood that the vaxxes are ineffective and maybe actually spreading the China Virus grows, now with the Wall Street Journal.

25) Our own Michelle Edwards reports that according to a Rasmussen poll, 25% of Americans think they know someone who died from the poison vax.


26) This is what we call a “mob donation.” A mummified body was found in a donation bin that hadn’t been emptied in years. Something tells me the body didn’t “donate” itself.


  • Larry Schweikart

  • Rock drummer

  • Filmmaker

  • NYTimes #1 bestselling author

  • Political pundit

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Larry Schweikart is the co-author with Michael Allen of the NYTimes #1 bestseller, A Patriot’s History of the United States, and is the founder of the history curriculum site, the Wild World of History, and the new spinoff Wild World of Politics. Larry can be found at Substack under Larry Schweikart and, for as long as they allow him, at Twitter @LarrySchweikart and on Gettr @OtherWalls and on TruthSocial @CyberneticsLS

Larry’s latest book, Dragonslayers: Six Presidents and their War with the Swamp, is now available wherever books are sold! You can listen to his interview with Tracy Beanz on Dark to Light HERE

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