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Writer's picture: Larry SchweikartLarry Schweikart

The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow

ELECTION NIGHT IS COMING, and so is our coverage at DECISIONUSA2024

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1) Didn't I say it? I felt over the weekend that the wheels had come off the Cackles clown car and that complete momentum had shifted to President Trump AND Republicans. In WI, R internals show Trump up 3 now, and the Ds are freaking out about Tammy Baldwin losing the senate race. I sense overall panic setting in---for example, the latest (and likely accurate) poll has Trump up 13 in FL. Mark Halperin's latest video blog says Republicans now believe they have the "sunbelt" and PA, so that's the election right there. In Maricopa Co., AZ, a dominant lead for Rs is getting ridiculous. Overnight, both parties saw a blizzard of registrations. Ds registered 2,000!! Wow. Except Rs registered 4,000!!!! Total R lead in Maricopa Co. alone is 175,000 or R+7. How about PA, where the early ballot requests are now even in a state where Ds usually have a 40 point advantage?? And if you believe in magic, er, polls, here the the latest Insider Advantage that has Trump up 2 in PA (meaning at least a 3 and possibly a 4 point win). Here is the latest Quinnipiac poll with Trump up 3 in MI and 2 in WI (but strangely down in PA---not possible). And a new Cook Political report has Trump leading big (7 points) among mid- and low-propensity voters. Actually, I find that low. RealClearPolitics how has Trump up in the average of polls in MI.

2) This is very interesting and could be interpreted a couple of ways. An ad-watch agency says Cackles has canceled ads in ME, MN, NH and NV. Now, pro-Cackles people could say they think those states are safe. I can't imagine that, especially NV and NH. Another way to look at it as Custer's Last Stand in PA, WI, and MI---that the others won't matter if Cackles doesn't salvage a win in PA or MI. Conrad Black says the notion that the Cackles campaign iis beginning to fray. I believe it. Yesterday (supposedly) Trump internals had him up in every single battleground state. Except now I want VA, ME, NM, and MN to be the new "battlegrounds."

3) My colleague on DecisionUSA2024 election night coverage, "Captain" Seth Keshel (@RealSKeshel) has Trump winning NV by over 2 points and nearly 40,000 votes. This tracks with Richard Baris's NV polling showing Trump leading in CLARKE Co. by 2. Activote has Trump nationally by 2.

5) A Katrina-like disaster is unfolding as Rutabaga and Cackles do nothing and FEMA is useless while a new hurricane hits Florida. And this brutal article: Cackles bungled hurricane relief because she really doesn't care.

6) An ex-Las Vegas councilwoman has been found guilty of using $70,000 meant for a police memorial on plastic surgery and her daughter's wedding. Psst. The plastic surgery didn't take.

7) Cackles husband, Doug Emhoff, has been hit with a slew of sexual harassment allegations.

9) The Georgia Election Board voted to subpoena all 2020 election data. This could be the beginning of the Great Exposure.

10) Ruy Teixeira, one of the few liberals with a brain, carefully reviews a yougov survey on voters' attitudes toward "green" energy and finds they ain't bitin'. No one likes most of the "energy transition" proposals and people know it will create major unseen problems.

12) I think there is no question that in the AZ Senate race, Kari Lake is building momentum. Now this, which won't help El Pollo Gallego.


13) It's not just Springfield, OH, but the Rutabaga administration has been dumping Haitian invaders in small towns everywhere in the midwest, towns too poor and inconsequential to fight back. Here is a story about Charleroi, PA.

14) Cackles let in nearly 1.7 million "security threats" in her time as useless "border czar."

15) New Kabul (New York City) is seeking 14,000 hotel rooms for illegal criminal aliens for 2025 at a cost of $2.3 BILLION.


16) Ryan Burge shows that overall American religious denominations are slowly moving to the right, and that a couple generally thought to be liberal aren't as left-leaning as generally thought.


17) For a third time the Colorado Supreme Court has dismissed a case against a Christian baker for refusing to bake a so-called homosexual wedding cake.

18) This is absolutely criminal and should be met with the death penalty for any doctors involved: thousands of sex-change surgeries were performed on minors according to this data base.


21) Google's monopoly may be in trouble from the feds.

22) There is a home buyer's strike, as prices and interest rates are just too high. Similarly, Florida's housing marking has buckled, with prices at a 30 month low.

24) Using non-Hoaxified data, Rasmussen shows that when you survey people the right way, the real unemployment rate is over 8% or double what the Rutabaga administration claims.

25) About 30 wind turbine blades break off and fall into the ocean every year. So over a decade, 300 of the useless, ecological toxic blades will rest at the bottom of the ocean.

27) This is a lawsuit: Spirit Airlines kicked off two women who, when the plane was too hot, pulled off their t-shirts and had crop tops underneath.


28) We must absolutely build an impenetrable wall with Me-hee-co, as the violence there is off the charts. Now a major was found decapitated six days after taking office. My heart goes out to the poor, often helpless people of Me-hee-co.

29) This is typical of a tyrannical commie government: Chy-na is over producing lithium to eliminate rivals, distorting their economy with stuff that cannot be used so somone else won't have it. And Chy-na is winning the race on fast charging lithium batteries. But, as David Blackmon points out, you could apply this to the mineral supply chain, manufacturing, or almost anything else when it comes to productivity.

30) Meanehile Germany is entering its second year of recession due to its green obsession that is killing business.

32) England handed down prison terms for the fungalmonkeys who threw paing on Van Gogh's "Sunflowers."

33) The Swedes were told to "open their hearts" to invaders. Now Swedes have done a u-turn, with 20% of their population coming from Muslim countries. Love this.

34 No sooner do the Hezbollah Murder Pirates name a replacement to the spooge that Israel killed, but Israel kills him in the next 24 hours. "Thanks for lettin' us know his name, ya turds."

35) The latest German energy insanity has regulations that say you can build a new steel plant if you can use "green" fuels, so ThyssenKrupp started a gigantic new steel plant relying on hydrogen . . . which didn't work. Now the company may have to repay $500 million a month in gubment subsidies. Funny how none of these green techs work without gubment money.


37) Tik Tok star Taylor Rousseau Grigg, "unexpectedly died" at age 23. I'm sure no vax was involved.

38) In what looked like an audition for a porn movie, Michigan governor Witless Protection (Witmer) feeds someone Doritos on her knees. Taking lessons from Cackles again?


39) By trying to debunk Steve Kirsch, this glandgoblin actually ends up saying Kirsch was right in Czech Republic data and that both Moderna and Pfizer killed people.

40) You'd think this would be news. A majority of people had a pre-pandemic China Virus infection, meaning they were mostly or partially immune. By nature.


41) The evil Cankles (Hillary Clinton) published her first whine when she lost in 2016, What Happened (notice, no question mark) sold 127,000 copies in its first week. This is a very good performance. But the new one only sold 27,000, which, for a supposed "A-list author" like Cankles isn't much. I have four books to clear that many sales. For a publisher with an author like me, that's great and the book is profitable already. But when you shell out perhaps $1 million for an advance? It's the literary equivalent of "Heaen's Gate." Oh, and the title is Something Lost, Something Gained. Which isn't too far off. We lost her and gained a real president in Donald Trump.

Larry Schweikart

Rock drummer, Film maker,NYTimes #1 bestselling author

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