The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow
REMINDER: I will be doing a live election night webcast with Ash Epp and Seth Keshel on November 5. Get more information at
1) That didn't take long: Zero (Barak Obama) is already leaking against Kampuchea ("Cackles") Harris that he doesn't think she can win. Wow. This is the first time I can remember Zero being right about anything. Rasmussen agrees with its latest poll showing Trump with a 7-point advantage and at 50%. Keep in mind, however, this cycle Ras has been high for Trump.
2) Rutabaga made a "barely understandable" address in which he explained why he isn't running, while President Trump's team has demanded equal time.
3) The pro-Pale/pro-Hamas Murder Pirate mobsters dragged a policeman and burned American flags in a D.C. protest. Yeah, this really makes Americans sympathize with your cause, ya fungalwipes. These tyrranisauruses also threatened Harris saying they would not be backing the DemoKKKrat ticket in the fall.
4) The House unanimously voted to form a task force to investigate the assassination attempt, even as some DemoKKKrats now are peddling the goofball notion that he wasn't really shot. Meanwhile Smarmy Wray, the FascistBI director, says Trump may have been struck by "shrapnel," not a bullet.
5) In Kollyfornia, Gruesome has ordered state agencies to begin clearing out the homeless camps, employing his new authority granted by the Supreme Court.
6) Florida's population has continued to grow, with the state now topping 23 million.
7) Oh, so NOW the "sanctuary cities" say they don't have any more room for the illegal criminals. Too bad, so sad. Suck up every last one of 'em.
8) Six DemoKKKrats joined all the Republicans in condemning Harris's tenure as "border czar."
9) Noah Smith, my favorite lib, reviewed "basic income" programs (i.e., money ain't for nuthin' and the chicks ain't free). What he found was unsettling to him: even at a minimum $1,000 a month gift to the po, 2% dropped out of the work force. Well, he has followed up here, and finds a "deep antipathy to the idea of work that seems to have taken root among some on the political left." Is anyone shocked? Smith continues: "The argument that Americans are trapped in jobs they hate and from which they need to be liberated by basic income is looking weaker by the year." He argues further still that "Social media may be bad for the work ethic." He offers the interesting insight that social media offers a form of "stealth leisure." I'm not so sure. I think broad left-backed notions that work is a form of theft by owners (a typically wrong Marxist idea) and the demonization of hard, physical labor by the leftist wokesters has much more to do with this. Second, the "work from home" nonsense has further reduced any concept of work being something one does so one can play.
10) Shoplifting has risen by 24% since the China Virus.
11) The Commerce Department continues to lie, saying the U.S. economy grew by 2.8% last quarter. They will revise that down soon.
12) Home sales fell in June and homeowner confidence fell. Can't imagine why.
13) Southwest Airlines is changing its famous open seating policy.
14) Kollyfornia's wine industry is in trouble.
15) Ford has cut its EV losses to "only" $50,000 per car.
16) A judge allowed Gina Carano's wrongful termination suit against Disney and Kathleen Kennedy to move forward.
17) Melania Trump, the most beautiful first lady ever, plans to release an "intimate" memoir close to the election.
18) A ways to go, but the Navy SEALS who lost their jobs due to religious concerns over the vax have won a major settlement with the Navy. Lawyers' fees were paid, records were were restored, but they still have to get back pay restored.
19) P. Diddy was named 77 times in murder docs related to Tupac Shakur (nee, Onepack after his unfortunate gunshot accident). One gangsta accuses Diddy of paying $1 million for a hit---er, that is for an assassination, although given the state of his rap career a record hit might cost him that much too.

Larry Schweikart
Rock drummer, Film maker,NYTimes #1 bestselling author
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