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Writer's pictureLarry Schweikart

TODAY'S NEWS, June 6, 2024

The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow

On this 8oth anniversary of D-Day we honor and cherish the memories of the brave Americans, Canadians, British, French, and Poles who fought ashore in Europe in 1944. I am loathe to say "We/this generation or any generation could never do that." The fact is, you don't know what you can do until you are called upon to do it. But what we do know is that THAT generation not only responded to the call, but did so with such courage and success that the world was saved from a grievous evil.


1) The NYSlimes poll showed virtually no change in the race due to the guilty verdict. Trump lost a point, but remains ahead of Rutabaga. Mark my words: this temporary dent in Trump's leading position will also evaporate and he will be back to where he was in a couple of weeks.

2) Fat Fani was halted by by a Georgia Appeals Court pending her disqualification hearing. So no Georgia case, no Florida case, and now we're down to Merchan's stupid sentencing. Zen Master weighed in : Trump will not go to jail. Likewise, former AG Bill Barstool says the conviction will be overturned.

3) The pro-active Lara Trump-led RNC now is filing suit against Nevada's voting irregularities. This is the way.

4) Rutabaga showed up (barely) in France for the D-Day ceremonies, abruptly left and met no veterans. For which they were probably relieved. At their age, they are in better shape than he is. By the way, I disagree with those who said he filled his pants at the ceremony---he filled them before the ceremony and just noticed it during the event.

5) Rutabaga is channeling Cankles by returning to Trump-bashing with the "convicted felon" line. This has insiders freaking out. Mark Halperin actually has a column today called "Has Trump Already Won?" Yep. Halperin admits that despite the verdict in the Boast 'n' Bragg trial, the race now is about Rutabaga and as one e-mailer said, "he isn't fit to bag groceries." Although Halperin still holds out hope Rutabaga might be replaced, he can't be. Yes, Trump has won and I think both sides are beginning to prepare for that likelihood. Former "Muh Russia" hoaxter Andrew McCabe is now fearing he will be jailed if Trump wins.


6) Meanwhile in the land of the Gestapo, Steve Bannon was ordered to report to jail on July 1 for four months. This will not keep him silent.

7) While in France delivering demented remarks on D-Day Rutabaga bragged about the Ukes killing 350,000 Russkies---who, in case he forgot (which he of course did) were our allies in WW II. And he is showing still more mental decline in meetings. Not sure how it's possible for a Rutabaga to show "more" mental decline. To what? An eggplant? Yet here he is again saying he "has known" Pootie-poot for 40 years, meaning Rutabaga knew him when he was an undercover KGB agent?

8) Coming to a hellhole hear you: in Oakland a repaving crew had to quit due to safety concerns.

9) A judge ruled that The Hobbit, Arizona fraud-governor Katie Hobbs, violated the law by installing a bunch of leftist toadstools in bureaucratic positions, bypassing Senate approval.


11) The great Ryan Burge has good news and bad news. The good news is that high schoolers are almost not smoking at all anymore and that drinking rates have plunged. The bad news is the the church is having virtually no impact on either---kids who don't go to church have the same rates of reduction as those who do.

12) I'm not sure exactly where to put these articles: one deals with autism rates vs. treatment, and my favorite lib, Noah Smith, argues that many things we think are true need to be greatly tempered by attention to changes in the measuring process. For example, the definition of inflation was changed years ago to minimize it; the decline in maternity may be a false story, and the income-productivity gap is subject to different reporting processes. Teen suicide rates "may" be explained by different survey methods and social pressure. Or not.


13) Hmmm. There was a dip in tax revenues in the latest numbers. Does this mean that there was less economic activity, and if there was less economic activity, does that mean stagflation is here?

14) Want a quick rundown on the state of water in Kollyfornia? Go here.

15) A group of Texans plan to launch a Texas based stock exchange.


16_ Mexico's new president, who has big ties to the cartels, won't be giving up Mexico's oil companies very soon.


17) Playstation's new "Concord" game, which is total wokeness, evoked massive negative ratioing. by customers. Guess who is laying people off? The game developers who are woke.

18) Jonathan Turley flat-out tells the Washington Post and the Hoax News media that "people are not reading your stuff."

19) The chowderdumping actress in "The Acolyte," the flopping latest "Star Wars" celluloid spooge wants to make white people cry. I can't wait for this series to go completely bankrupt. I am angry. I loved this series, especially the original trilogy, and now they turned it into "The Force=a Female George Floyd."


20) A new peer-reviewed study showed that the vax had no impact on China Virus hospitalizations; that natural immunity was the best protection, and that myocarditis occurred only in the vaxxed.

21) Doctors are back to trying to blame the China Virus itself for new and rare cancers. They may eventually get to the vaxxes, after they tried everything else.


22) Here is just one thing one of my friends did to make it in rock and roll.

Larry Schweikart

Rock drummer, Film maker,NYTimes #1 bestselling author

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