The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow
Programming note: It's convention time again, this time in Florida with the Florida Parent Educators Association (FPEA) at Kissimmee. I have a funny but long story about Kissimmee for another time. If you are in the neighborhood, email me at and I'll get you in. So I will be gone Thursday and Friday, back on May 27.
1) A longtime DemoKKKrat operative from Benghazi-by-the-Lake faces a lifetime in jail for racketeering. Now do Botoxic.
2) This Rutabaga staffer abruptly resigned, saying she could no longer serve in the administration. Maybe that's because the demented dogturd said he was veep in 2020.
3) President Trump will hold his first New York rally since 2016, but in anticipation there was already a rally in the Bronx that brought out thousands. Meanwhile a new CBS poll has President Trump up 5 in AZ and 9 in FL, with illegal criminal aliens a major issue (psst: abortion ain't moving the dials). President Trump has a 6- point lead on the economy ("cares for my economic situation") but a 10 point lead among those who say Trump "cares a lot." Unfortunately, the same poll has El Pollo Gallego up 13 over Kari Lake in the senate race. This discrepancy has left some DemoKKKrat minioniods not believing polls either. Gooooood.

4) The above mentioned discrepancy is leading other DemoKKKrats to worry about turnout.
5) A top DemoKKKrat Silicon Valley Jewish donor has switched and is now funding President Trump, while GOP Jewish groups emergized their fundraising for the President.
6) The Hill, a DemoKKKrat mouthpiece, admits vulnerable DemoKKKrats are "separating" themselves from Rutabaga. This tells you three important things. First, they know he is losing bad. Second, they know he is the candidate and cannot be replaced. Third, they know they can't steal it again.
7) Meanwhile, per a message from Seth Keshel (@RealSKeshel) New Hamphire---yet another state Rutabaga needs to hold to even hope for 270---is now R +5 and the Rs have a lead of 44,000 after DemoKKKrats led by 87,000 in 2020. GOP Chairwoman Lara Trump confirmed as much by saying the competitive map is spreading past MN and VA---likely NH, NM, and ME. Perhaps this is why the latest Harvard/Harris poll shows Trump beating Rutabaga like he was the Phoenix Suns in the playoffs: 49-43%, with leaners Trump is at 53%, and in two of the three scenarios involving a conviction in the cases, Trump wins one (still), ties one (still), and only loses by 1 in the third.
8) I been sayin' it and sayin' it. The Hamas Murder Pirate protesters are steadily expanding their terror methods, now camping on the front lawn of a University of Michigan regent.
9) New Kabul (NYC) has its lowest numbers of police officers since 1990, despite a larger population and more crime. In it's counterpart, Benghazi-by-the-Lake (Chicago) there were 45 shot and one killed over the weekend.
10) In the Hoax trial by Boast 'n' Bragg his star witness Michael (the Rat) Cohen admitted to stealing money from President Trump.
11) A Viagra firm is offering an Ozempic variant. So now you can get an erection and diarrhea at the same time. How do you sit on the toilet?
12) President Trump's advisors reveal plans for deporting 20 million illegal criminal invaders. Folks, if you want to see the economy just explode, get rid of the illegal invaders and watch Americans go to work.
13) A D.C. judge ruled against Botoxic (Nancy Pelosi) and said the Capitol steps are indeed a free speech zone.
14) From the great Ryan Burge, the "nones" (no religious affiliation have indeed peaked and are no longer rising, even in Gen X and Gen Z..
15) Suicides are up 1,200% among transoids. You know, cuz "gender affirming care" is so good on the personality.
16) Wind power guzzles economic resources and raw materials like nothing else. Just look at what is involved in the foundation of one of these monstrosity windmills---then imagine having to dig them all up in 20 years, which we will have to do.
17) Property insurance in the hurricane/tornado alley called Florida are now driving nursing homes out of bidiness.
18) The EV bloodbath continues: Tesla cut another 600 jobs.
19) A Minnesota bill trying to tackle soaring rents fails cuz it will not allow renters to boot evictees.
20) The sentiment for home buying neared an all times low.
21) Oh? Rutabaga has started subsidizing uranium?
22) Price inflation has sent high-end shoppers to Wal-Mart.
23) Truly sad news as Iran's president and foreign minister are "missing" after a "hard landing." A search (for body parts?) is on. Could this be our Israeli friends thanking them for the Ap. 14 drone attack? (UPDATE per Israeli media: THEY B DAID).
24) Three U.S. citizens were arrested in the Congo as being CIA agents.
25) Wait, I thought only our Congress got into these floorfights with Occasional Cortex and MTG? A brawl broke out on the floor of the Taiwanese parliament.
26) Was the hit on the Slovakian PM due to his comments last month about refusing to support Ukraine any longer?
27) A new tax in Australia will charge solar power customers for "exporting" their energy during the middle of the day because it might reduce the overall demand for solar.
28) Julian Assange won a victory in which a court allowed him an appeal of his extradition to the U.S.
29) The Russkie economy grew at 5.4% last quarter, or more than double the rate of the U.S. and above that of Chy-na as of the last stats I saw.
30) There is a global EV disaster as ports fill up with thousands of unwanted ChiCom electric cars that no one wants. Meanwhile idiotic net zero rules are destroying the Euro auto market. Gee, maybe GM and Ford can make a comeback if they focus on gas.
31) The UN says 800,000 Palestinians have evacuated Rafa. Common sense. It's about to be flattened. Maybe because the UNRWA "relief organization" is stealing aid.
32) Japan has rejected the WHO treaty.
33) My favorite lib, Noah Smith, pulls back the curtain on the crumbling Chy-na economy. They have a massive overproduction problem and at some point the chickens will come home to roost.
34) The Euros are flirting with a return to the Dark Ages, as they unveil a new "superturbine" that will use hydrogen. I'm a big hydrogen fan, having worked on the X-30 hydrogen powered experimental plane (that didn't work), but it ain't ready, as the Euros will soon discover. 35) "I'm single, childless, and alone." Throughout the west this is the lament of many women who drank the feminist kool aide.
36) Director Oliver Stone, who once called President Trump "Mad King Lear," says the trials against him are "a new form of warfare," . . . "Lawfare."
37) "Yellowstone" resumed filming for its 5th and final season.
38) Peter Jackson is working on a new "Lord of the Rings," presumably with extensive Hobbit walking. They get in their 10,000 steps a day fo sho.
39) Really? The Supes ruled that the University of Colorado China Virus vax mandate was unconstitutional. Gee, they finally figured that out?
40) A New Jersey court threw out all 80 charges against gym owner Ian Smith, who resisted Governor Phil Murphy's idiotic lockdown law. Now, how does Murphy get reimbursed for the seized gym assets and lost business?
41) More pigs are flying as ex-CDC director Robert Redfield said "it's high time to admit significant side effects" of the China Virus vax.
42) The most common baby names were Liam and Olivia. Well, thank God it's not Adolf, Vladimir, Grizelda, Cankles, or Mohammed yet.

Larry Schweikart
Rock drummer, Film maker,NYTimes #1 bestselling author
Link for Patriot’s History Vimeo
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