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TODAY'S NEWS, October 29-31, 2024

Writer's picture: Larry SchweikartLarry Schweikart

Updated: Nov 1, 2024

The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow

The Election is Upon Us! Join me at DecisionUSA2024 on election night. A host of special guests.

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1) Big news as the VA supreme court green-lit the state to remove illegals from the voting rolls. VA may indeed be very close this time. And this Dominion problem with the machines could really, really help Trump, as it is having difficulty with split tickets. Trump will get millions of split ticket votes, but if forced to go with straight ticket, people will just go Trump and down.

2) Some 50 million Americans have already voted. Robert Barnes, as best I understood him, estimated the turnout this time around to be approximately 140 million. So more than one third of Americans have already voted, and Republicans are crushing it. Yet as seen by data from AZ and NV, they are doing so without "cannibalizing" their election day vote. Not the case with the DemoKKKrats. Here for example in AZ Rs lead by 155,282, with estimates of a 300,000 lead by the end of election day. Yet they are even in % with Ds for turnout. Translation: Ds better look out on election day. In PA, Ds are ahead of Rs in early vote by 387,000. Bad you say? No fantastic for Rs. In 2020, they needed a margin o9f 1.1 MILLION to eke out an 80,000 fraudulent "win." They are only about 712,000 short. AND, it's important to remember that a "D" vote isn't necessarily a vote for Cackles. Far more DemoKKKrats will vote Trump than Liz Clusterbomb Cheney Rs will vote Cackles. Meanwhile, this data from Philadelphia where Ds are down a whopping 93,800 votes from 2020, while Rs are down just 786. Maybe this is where all the "men aren't voting" crap is coming from. In this case, GOOD. Oh, and kiss NC goodbye for Cackles, as DemoKKrats dropped to third place in daily voting. As for WI, the Strong R/Lean R counties are crushing the Strong D/Lean D counties. Speaking of WI, Green Bay Packers legend Brett Favre endorsed President Trump. And how about GA, where over 600,000 voters who did not vote in 2020 have already voted early from "areas where Republicans dominate."

4) Consequently the Hill says DemoKKKrat "blame game" has started. Says the ubiquitous "unnamed source" in the D party, "People are nervous and they’re trying to cover their ass and get a little ahead of Election Day," Meanwhile Fat Frank Lunz says Trump "clearly has momentum" and that it reminds him of 2016. Fat Frank, Trump has had momentum since June.

5) Even as it is becoming increasingly obvious that indeed these are DemoKKKrat positions, things such as genital mutilation and associations with genuine terrorists are so extremely crazy that voters shy away from even admitting they are real.

6) In the AZ senate race, according to Data Orbital, Kari Lake has taken a lead. And Rs surge to a lead in the generic congressional ballot.

8) For the first time ever, North Carolina Republicans have outvoted DemoKKKrats in early voting. Guess what? They expanded their lead to 37,000!

9) Michigan's DemoKKKrat Secretary of State admits there are issues with Dominion machines, and that these are "nationwide."

10) President Trump was given a study on EVs that was positive---but it was largely driven by an as-yet unobtained lower price for EVs, based on falling battery prices, in turn based on falling lithium prices. But those lithium prices were falling because demand for lithium fell because the demand for EVs fell. There's a hole in the bucket.

11) Here it is. The first indication of the left preparing people for a Trump win: Hairless Harry Enten says "the signs were there all along." Really Hairless? Why does the hoax news media keep pushing idiotic polls then? Then there is this blow to pollsters: "Nearly half of GenZ voters say they've lied about who they are voting for." Hmmm. Why would Republicans lie?

12) Jaywalking has been legalized in New Kabul (NYC). More "broken window" non enforcement.



14) Ryan Burge examines a gigantic survey of college campuses and finds that only about 14% identify as Christian, and that 70% of "never attenders" were DemoKKKrats. and a group of "highly active Christians" are their "own little island" at college.

15) And they wonder by people aren't going to church: A megachurch featured mummies, zombies, and dead people during its worship service.

16) There is an ongoing effort to indoctrinate kids against Israel: a "kinderfada."


18) Electricity costs are up 24% for U.S. industries. Want to lower food and other costs? Adopt a Trumpian energy policy.

19) 33,000 Ram Trucks have been recalled over stability issues. Man, if they had to recall people in the DemoKKKrat Party with stability issues, no one would be left.


21) Hezbollah glumly said "Netanyahu survived this time," meaning the latest futile drone attack. Got news for ya, ya little suicide snippers; Benji like Donald Trump is protected by God. You won't ever get him.

22) The inside story behind Australia's most infamous UFO sighting.


23) The Los Angeles Dodgers captured their eighth World Series with a game five win over the Yankees.

24) Nintendo hit with layoffs.


25) This is the way. A Bay area couple built a giant MAGA Halloween exhibit. In my old neighborhood in 2016, one Halloween display had Cankles in jail and Trump outside with the keys.

Larry Schweikart

Rock drummer, Film maker,NYTimes #1 bestselling author

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