Our show did not go out yesterday due to a problem with the Beatles music I wanted to use in the intro. Inside baseball, I have to record the full show before I know if it actually recorded. If the intro music is bad, the whole show is bad. So, from now on, there will be no intro music, just a cold open---as you can tell---and I will use any music I want going out. If the algorithims block it or mess it up, just close the show. Thanks!
1) The big debate is tonight. Cackles is secluded in a hotel room with a Trump impersonator. This might be the perfect time for the "Rocky" strategy---remember how he fought left handed, but for his fight with Apollo he trained as a righty until the crucial knockout moment? Maybe Trump should NOT be Trump for a while, then at the proper moment let her have it. At least one DemoKKKrat senator is scared: "She's not tested." For what? Herpes? This story says "DemoKKKrats Privately Worry She'll Choke." Ufff-da. I swear I don't write these headlines. I said yesterday---but you didn't hear me cuz it didn't post: Cackles needs a grand slam knockout. Look for her to use the "convicted felon" label, to which President Trump should just go along: "Yeah, and this convicted felon will seal the border, get a peace in Ukraine, bring back our economy, make us energy independent again, and Make America Healthy Again." Anyway, the reason she needs a knockout is that the early ballot numbers from North Carolina are horrible for Ds, with blacks down 3 points from 2020, Ds overall down 11; voter registration there as per @RealSKeshel is running 2.1:1 R/D; Maricopa Co. Arizona is now R +162,400! PA has slashed almost 130,000 off the D advantage from 2020. And this! Yikes! Trump takes a 4 point lead from a hostile pollster, Quinnipiac, in Georgia. If Georgia and Pennsylvania are gone, as I think they are, game over. Now it's gravy time. Meanwhile, Little Natey Silver---whom I mention here solely because some people still reference him---now has Trump at a 64% likelihood of winning. My take is that if Cackles doesn't have a massive decisive victory, the DNC will yank funds starting Wed. morning for senate and house campaigns.
2) This is a big problem: Cackles' campaign added an "issues" page which was copied directly from Rutabaga's---which Americans are rejecting en mass. Worse for her, even CNN was stunned at Cackles' radicalism. And this ain't good for Cackles as the NY Fed says consumers are concerned about both the labor market and household finances.
3) Melania Trump has expressed concerns after her husband's near assassination, saying there is more to the story and we need to "uncover the truth." Mrs. Trump, that will start at the FascistBI and Secret Service.
4) Many people think this is the correct response, to charge the parent of one of these nutball shooters. But as Heather MacDonald points out, they only seem to charge WHITE parents.
5) This useless little weenie has become every bit as bad as Ru Paul or McCarthy: Speaker Johnson to go ahead with a non-SAFE-Act spending bill despite opposition from his own caucus, which should remove his hemorrhoidal ass.
6) Teen brains prematurely aged four years during the unnecessary and evil lockdowns.
7) Speaking of destroying brains, J6 Patriot Day protesters were bombarded with propaganda against Trump in jail. What happened to cruel and unusual punishment?
8) The incompetent and spoogified mayor of Bengahzi-by-the-Lake (Chicago) is chopping budgets and halting hiring in all departments, including fire and police, due to the extra costs of the illegal criminal aliens.
9) A leaked US Army report says thousands of Venezuelan gang members are running wild in the US. Another Venezuelan gang takeover of a hotel, this one in El Paso.
10) Another illegal immigrant child rapist who was already deported once. When do we say enough?
12) The Rutabaga/Harris administration wrote 300 separate ex orders to open our borders.
13) The Haitians, who are eating cats and geese in Springfield, OH, have been made the object of ridicule in new Trump memes that show Trump saving animals. "Grab the pussy."
14) This item plus the one in international news does not bode well for low cost energy in America. Courts are revoking permits for oil and gas projects, creating a bad investing climate for energy. Meanwhile, this pipeline company is about to land a knockout blow against Greenpeace for its efforts to smear the company.
15) The Moloch-riddled Groomer City (SF) is trying to punish businesses trying to leave due to high crime. Now the city wants a six-month warning (probably so they can sue the companies to stay). The answer is easy. You leave a rearguard of virtual nobodies, clear out everything else. An empty husk remains for 6 months.
16) Apple has been ordered to pay $13 billion in taxes to Ireland via the EU.
18) This is not good, but it was 100% prophesied in the Bible: Russia and Chy-na are conducting joint naval drills in the Pacific.
Christopher Rufo on the international war against free speech and an open internet.
19) OPEC has dropped its crude oil demand for the second straight month as prices for energy have fallen (indicating a worldwide glut).
20) Conservative radio host Mark Levin suffered a serious injury from a fall that tore quadricep muscles and damaged his knee and will be off the air for some time.
21) Shocked I tell ya. A new sexual assault complaint has been lodged against Cleveland Browns QB Deshaun Watson. 22) Sean P. Diddly Combs has been ordered to pay $100 million in a sexual assault judgment.
23) Selena Gomez reveals a bizarre hack that helps her with depression. I have my own. It's called Haagen-Daas.

Larry Schweikart
Rock drummer, Film maker,NYTimes #1 bestselling author
Link for Patriot’s History Vimeo
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