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TODAY'S NEWS, September 19, 2024

Writer's picture: Larry SchweikartLarry Schweikart


Reminder: Along with Seth Keshel and Ashe Epp, I will be doing LIVE election night coverage at DecisionUSA2024. Go to to see how you can help and, oh, we have great gear there!


1) I still don't do polls, but for those who do, the anti-Trump Faux News "battleground" poll has President Trump up 2. So we need to start being realistic here. Trump has underpolled in two straight elections by 2.1 points, so really he's up 4 and essentially out of reach. (This covers AZ, GA, NC, NV, PA, WI, MI). Now, I do NOT believe this poll, but the fact that it's even out there should scare the demons out of the DemoKKKrats: NY: Trump UP by a fraction of a point, 44.8% to 44.5%. 5% undecided. WOW.

2) Here is the more important news: in Wisconsin, early voting/early ballot requests have started and 295,000 VBM/Absentees were requested contrasted with 1.3 million in 2020. (They expect a final number of 423,000, or barely a third of 2020). This is a massive loss for the cheat and for DemoKKKrats. You can't fill out fraudulent ballots if they haven't been sent.

3) This was the right ruling, but I doubt it will stand. A South Carolina judge just held that voter rolls are public record and are subject to inspection by voter integrity supporters. If this were to hold, election integrity would be 90% secured.

4) Iranian hackers tried to pass hacked Trump campaign material to Rutabaga. I'm sure he declined it. Or, possibly, that's why he finally agreed to beat it---he realized he was getting his ass kicked.

5) Fourteen Republicans joined DemoKKKrats to sink the House spending bill It is not clear if this included the SAVE act or not, but it's clear that DemoKKKrats and some Republicans want the blame for a gubment shutdown on the GOP's hands. Which wouldn't bother me. I'm for a gubment shutdown at any time, but it would probably hurt Republicans in November.

6) Daniel Street debunks the "suckers" and "losers" lie.

7) Was there some sort of attack on Trump at the New York rally? Some 20 people on stage reported facial swelling, eye irritation, and blurred vision.

10) Spokane, Washington is becoming the new Seattle with woke policies, homeless, drug-infested streets, and fentanyl use.



12) The great Ryan Burge shows that 77% "definitely" or "probably" believe in miracles. Belief in miracles actually increased since 1991, probably because people saw what happened to President Trump. Over 80% of evangelicals and 79% of black Protestants definitely believe in miracles. Surprisingly, belief in miracles has increased at every level of education, including graduate school. So here is my story (one of two). I have witnesses. In the late 2010s at the university where I taught I was very late to give a test. You cannot cancel tests on students. They REALLY hate that because they believe in "cram and forget." Anyway I ran to the copy room where we had a major-league copier, only to find the department secretary, and at least one (perhaps two, can't remember) other faculty member standing there. The copy machine was dead, Jim. I don't mean "lights on, but not working." I mean no power, lights off, nuthin. They hadn't been able to get it working. I didn't have time to fiddle around so I put my test in, laid my hands on the machine, and shouted "IN THE NAME OF JESUS, WORK!" It sprang to life, printed all my tests, and as soon as I removed the last one from the hopper it died and no one could get it to work again. Not my problem at that time. I had a test to give!

13) This could help some: Florida elections now will identify school board members by party affiliation. The problem is that way too many RINOs look like Republicans and vote like terrorists.


14_ The head of Texas Children's Hospital, which has tried to make itself TTH (Texas Transoid Hospital) will resign amidst growing scrutiny.


15) Great column here on the multiple myths surrounding green energy, particularly the notion that it's cheaper. It ain't.

18) The Fed cut interest rates by 50 basis points. Whoop-de-doo. I have a 2.9% mortgage. Most rates to day are over 7. Even if lucky, this barely brings rates down to 6.9%. Therefore, Wolf Richter notes that home buyers are unimpressed and Fannie Mae has gotten gloomier. And here, US existing home sales have shrunk to a near-14-year low.

19) President Trump stopped by a hamburger restaurant in New York and made the first ever Presidential payment by bitcoin when he bought burgers for everyone..


20) Supposedly the FascistBI has disrupted a ChiCom bot net attack. I think they are desperately putting out good news because they fear President Trump is going to disband them. Which he should.


21) Looks like everybody, their brother, and their dog (unless eaten by Haitians) is implicated in the P. Diddley freak-out sex parties.


22) Glam influencers are promoting an "eco-city" in . . . Saudi Arabia. Honestly, it looks like a trailer park. And Saudi Arabia has so much to offer! There's sand, and . . . sand. Then there's sand.

Larry Schweikart

Rock drummer, Film maker,NYTimes #1 bestselling author

Link for Patriot’s History Vimeo

Link to buy larry a coffee

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