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TODAY'S NEWS, Sunday-Monday, October 27-28, 2024

Writer's picture: Larry SchweikartLarry Schweikart

The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow

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1) President Trump held the rally of the Century at Madison Square Garden, which was completely packed at 19,500 and had another 50,000 outside watching. He was introduced by Melania, looking as beautiful as ever, and was prayed for in advance (a group of faith leaders also prayed over him before his GA rally).. An analysis of how many cell phones were in use in the Madison Square Garden area was 98,000. One notable missing: Mayor Eric the Red Adams, who nevertheless has been sounding very "Trump friendly" recently, saying that Trump is not a fascist. My guess is that Eric the Red is counting on Trump to call off the DOINjustice when Trump is elected. And now comes the report that Cackles is giving up on NC to save VA.

2) Early in-person/mail in voting may be down overall, but it's way up in WI and mostly in the red areas. Meanwhile, in NV, Rs are up a shocking 33,400. In 2020 Ds led at this point with 40,000. That's just a minor flip, no? In AZ, the numbers are equally staggering. Rs have a 102,900 lead even though Ds have cast 1% more of their ballots! Many of these people are like this lady, a two-time DemoKKKrat delegate who switched. Mark Halperin reports the internal polls are showing NM close. Trump leads in the latest MI poll and indies are breaking for him.

3) That didn't go as planned. Cackles held an event in Houston featuring Beyonce, who did not sing or perform, spoke for three minutes, then left as people booed and left the arena. Rumors are she was paid $10 million for the appearance. Meanwhile, here is the full interview of President Trump by Joe Rogan.

4) Cackles' week hasn't been going well at all. After the oafs at MSNBC ran video of a Nazi rally at Madison Square Garden (implying MAGA is "Nazi") people began posting videos of FDR and Obama having similar rallies. Then a third major paper (LA Slimes, Washington Compost, USAToday) all refused to endorse the cackling one. Then it really got bad, as Tampon Timmy was accused of having an affair (yuck. Please) with a ChiCom agent named Wang. So Tampon got schlonged by a Wang. There's a song in there somewhere.

5) Fetterman Massacre, the human ox, (i.e., Senator John Fetterman) said that President Trump's support in PA is "astonishing." Well, no, Ox. It's common sense to anyone paying attention.

6) Rutabaga gave a speech with AZ senator Mark Moonman Kelly and treated his wife, Gabby Giffords, as though she were dead. Oops. Meanwhile, he and his evil fascist organization are doing everything they can to fight election integrity lawsuits around the country.

7) Jeff Bezos personally intervened with the "no-endorsement" from the Washington Compost.

8) This is how you can tell the libtards are losing huge. Here a Cackles supporter screams in the face of a little girl. The father removed the little girl. I would have removed the screamer with extreme prejudice.

9) Once again, idiotic environmentalism is preventing us from defending ourselves, as six anti-missile sites had to be cut from the plan to station multiple batteries on Guam.

10) Of all people, former governor Nipplepin Venthoarder (Andrew Cuomo) "gets" Trump.

11) They keep trying to cheat. NV's supreme court said ballots without dates can be counted up to three days after election day.

13) Oh? A DemoKKKrat operative explains how they stole the 2020 election in Georgia.


14) Ryan Burge's latest dive into religious statistics shows that 15% of all pastors are female, they are slightly better educated than males, that this is the highest level in 20 years, that churches pastored by men are larger, that male pastors are more likely to become full time than females, that ALL pastors are aging, and that, surprisingly, men talked more than women---and talked longer!

15) Big media is toast. Jim VanDenHei of Axios is basically warning DemoKKKrats (as much as he tries to sugar coat it) that they are dinosaurs.


16) University of Nevada's women's volleyball team forfeited a game rather than play against a transoid player. This is the way.


18) Just how big is the "dump green" movement in investing? Irena Slav reports that of 500 hedge funds surveyed, more were betting on oil and gas than on green, and overall more were betting against green than on it.


22) They are back at it in Spain, trying to keep visitors away. British Airways is trying a different approach, cancelling hundreds of flights from NY to Gatwick airport due to slow delivery of new Rolls-Royce engines.

23) Speaking of the Brits, this is all on the Tory party for going all-in with the Uke war and buying into "global warming." Now the Labour Party, in control, is going to open MORE asylum hotels expecting another 150,000 invaders to cross the channel.

24) The former president of Bolivia survived an assassination attempt, and has bullet holes in his car to prove it.

26) A bipartisan think tank has called for major sanctions on the ChiComs' Temu.


29) The Washington Compost under Jeff Bezos wants more conservative writers. "Ooh! Ooh! Over here."

30) Ok, been there. Well, actually I haven't. In all my years of performing, even in front of 10,000 people when opening for "Steppenwolf" or when playing at the Troubadour in front of the "Who," I was never ever nervous. In all my speeches, I was never nervous with one exception.

As a historian my field was economic history, and my dissertation won one of the best three dissertations in economic history in the county---to be presented at the American ECONOMIC Association. Get it? They actually knew economics. (I'd never had a class in my life.) We're talking Nobel Prize Winners---I can't recall if Milton Friedman was there that day but I did debate him on a barge going down the Danube. But that's another story, Anyway, at THAT speech I was nervous but settled down and did a credible job. But this? . . . . This poor singer messed up the live singing of the "National Anthem" and said, on hot mic, "I effed up. I effed up. Can I start over?"

31) After refusing to endorse Cackles, the Washington Compost had 200,000 subscriptions canceled. This is the way.



33) This has a real "Bosch" feel to it, as a woman died inside a Walmart oven. At first it was claimed she locked herself in. But Bosch is on the case and now it's reported that locking yourself in such an oven is impossible. I'll let the evidence decide, but if someone dies in a microwave, I'm really getting suspicious.

Larry Schweikart

Rock drummer, Film maker,NYTimes #1 bestselling author

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